Sunday, May 16, 2010

I'm so sorry!

I have just been so busy with my baby Savannah that I have not been able to keep up with our blog! We just love being with her...she's been to the mall and out to lunch with us several times already. She is going to love to shop...particularly Dilliard's...wonder where she gets that (Libby and Mimi)? Our Libby is a wonderful mom and Led is a great dad. I'm really surprised that Lib is so maternal..a bit casual in her approach to motherhood...just like me. She turned out ok so I guess Savannah will too! Her aunt Estelle gave her the bunny, and we had a wonderful Mother's Day brunch!
I'm sure many of you have experienced or know of the horrific floods we had in Tennessee two weeks ago. These are just two of our as we tried to head down Main Street and one of what was a very vibrant volleyball court and park where lots of people played. Hopefully we'll soon be back to normal.

Consulting has been slow lately, but the medical writing and editing has kept me hopping. I'm really enjoying writing for LiveStrong Health! It's a challenge to change from writing and editing for medical journals to writing for the public on the Web! This being semi-retired and working part time is wonderful...lots of free time, no pressure unless self imposed and getting to pick and choose what you do! I'm still selling photos on line and occasionally at Buffalo Trading Company in West Yellowstone, MT! If I had to go back to a full time job, I think I'd scream. Let's hope the market recovers so I never have to go back to "real" work! But just March I get to draw social security! Can you believe I'm so old?

We are still movie junkies...saw Letters to Juliet this weekend. I don't care what the critics's a wonderful, feel good movie. The scenery is wonderful and having been to Italy, we loved seeing some of the same sights that we saw when we traveled there. Last week we saw The Losers...again, the critics panned it and we loved it.

I'm just before giving up on's getting boring but it still allows me to keep up with lots of friends, acquaintances and people I have no idea who they are! What are you thinking about the time you spend there? Is it worth it?

Hope you all have a wonderful week and I'll try to be a bit better at keeping this up to's about time to start traveling again, but we're struggling about where to go. Any ideas?