I just made a sale on Craigslist! Savannah had outgrown her slide and "climbing" wall and her toddler bed so we had been trying to sell them by sticking them in our front yard. No luck and I'm just sure our neighbors loved seeing them on our driveway every day! For those of you following my trip through retirement, you know I've sold lots of stuff on eBay and probably made a profit...although I'm really not sure! So to move on to Craigslist is so much easier because it's free...and free is good! You do have to worry about someone mugging you when they come pick up the stuff, but with Woody around I feel safe. He's not exactly small and you don't necessarily have to open the door if the buyers look a little suspect! Our friend Wild Bill sells things all the time and he says you should meet the buyer at McDonald's or somewhere public...that might be tough with the couch and chairs I've also listed. So tip for the day...Craigslist is a great way to sell things, but take precautions and either meet away from your house or have a really big person to be there when the buyers come!
My consulting work is really slow right now so I actually have some time to catch up around the house. One of the things that I've found in my semi-retirement is that goofing off can expand to available time and then nothing gets accomplished! Savannah does help me by cleaning up the porch when she visits...she hates dirt! Guess I should let her use the sweeper rather than by hand! LOL! I am pleased that my screened porch garden is doing well. We have little tommy toe tomatoes on the plants...or at least on the higher branches since Andy the Yorkie has stripped the lower ones bare...he loves tomatoes but he needs to let them get ripe! Our gardenia tree has tons of blooms and we have sweet basil, rosemary and mint growing like crazy. I finally got my petunias out in the front bed but I have to admit that's all!! I desperately need to weed around the mailbox and in my Iris in the back, but I just have no interest! Preen works wonders but you have to weed first! The big beds are fine, but the little ones are suffering as I really don't like yard work! I hate bermuda grass...it just runs everywhere!! If you love gardening and just want to weed, come on over!
Hope you have a great week...things are good in H'ville!
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